View Profile DeseNutz
Camron Mercer @DeseNutz

Age 32, Male

*Still getting one*

South Granville High

North Carolina, USA

Joined on 1/27/08

Exp Points:
240 / 280
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.37 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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Whats good w/ ya.

Tha whole blog thing never much caught on w/ me, but I figured I couldnt leave this space blank :)

Why im here:
Iight, so ive been on newground for quite some time now, but only recently figured out that there was an audio portal. I figured, after listening around for a lil bit, that I would decide to post some of my things up. You know, to kinda help get outta my shell (Until recently, music had been more of a 'behind closed doors' hobby of mine).

My tastes:
I use a tracker program, and as such, I am heavily influenced by techno and similar electronic genres. Surprisingly though, I dont much like alot of techno (I found myself critiquing the hell out of techno songs to the point that I couldnt really stand to listen to them anymore) and tend to like songs with more of a good bit of emphasis on tha beat/drums. I also like very complex pieces (you know, the tracks that reflect that the artist actually put a good deal of effort in thier work), and ones that dont repeat the same sections too much (it starts to annoy me). Sadly, this rules out many of the songs on NG, but every once in a while you will find a good track that you cant help but favorite :)

Favorite genres:
1 : DnB - preferably dark, and with original drum work (e.g. no breaks/loops, I cant stand those!)
2 : Original Techno - Keyword: Original! Break the rules, make something different. I hate hearing 12 different songs that all sound alike :/
3 : Hip hop - Gotta love those beats :) I also prefer my hip hop to have a bit of 'meat' to it, I hate the songs the radio plays that sound like nothing but words to a bare-bones beat with a overly-heavy bass track. (I actually dont like much of anything the radio plays now, it seems like all the good hip hop died out in the early 2000's)

My excuse for why most of my tracks are WIPs:
I happen to be a perfectionist, so after I add a part to a track, I wont even CONSIDER moving on until it sounds exactly or extremely close to the ideal 'vision' that I had for the track (provided that I actually had a vision for it). This means I take rediculously long times to put together a small piece of work :/

Either way, reviews and votes are appreciated!
Let me know what you think of my stuff :)


Recent Game Medals

11,710 Points

I know the trick! 5 Points

controlled answer ;)

Mini leaf 5 Points

Catch an ultra small leaf!

Cloud 5 Points

Giant Cloud!

Memo 25 Points

Repeat the memo 10 times

Five Questions 5 Points

Ask 5 questions to the Magic Eyed Ball

Party In The Dungeon 25 Points

That's quite a busy reign

Love Always Remains 25 Points

Take the easy way out.

Eternity 50 Points

Grab your piece of eternal kingship

Novice 5 Points

Earn something in the Tutorial

Vanquisher of evil 25 Points

Defeat the evil being beyond the locked ceiling!