Atypical for DnB
Okay, so overall this is a very nice track. I admire your use of vocals and the way you used them with the guitar to add an ethereal overtone to the track. I will warn you though, its this overtone combined with the really slow tempo (for a DnB track neway) that makes it seem (to me anyway) more of a hyped ambient track than a slow DnB track.
The drums track were good, nothing impressive, but good. It confuses me though, it seems like nothing was really done to the drums to make them stand out above everything else. Thats half of why I dont think this track really fits the DnB genre well; in a DnB track, the drums tend to be the focal point of the song. In this track though, you can easily lose track of them among everything else and theres no real creativity in them that I can see.
And then theres the break. Now, ive never much liked breaks at all, but usually when you hear breaks in a song (especially a DnB) song, there is variety in them. I hear one break that you recycled throughout this entire song, and its monotony is starting to hurt my ears (even if you did chop it up towards the end). I would have liked to hear either other breaks in the song, or the abscence of the break altogether and the void filled with other drums (ethnic drums would be a good place to start, the vocals and guitar already suggest an ethnic track to begin with).
It seems just a little bit melodic to my ears, and almost too constant. As the other main component in a DnB track, I would like to hear the bass play a more prominent part in the track as the drums complement, rather than alternating back and forth between two notes over and over again for the entirety of the song. Im wont deny that the bass was there, it just blended in to well, if you see what I mean.
The track wasnt as hard hitting as I would have liked, and it seemed emphasis was placed on the wrong instruments for a DnB song, but it was otherwise a very good song. Also, I want to say something about your choice of title. I think a title like 'Damn Right!' would be more fitting for a high-energy, very heavy-hitting song, and definitely not any song with vocals in it like "We are here, and we wait for the sun to go down." :)
Maybe 'Twilight' would fit better?
To sum it up: Its a good song, just not a good DnB song. (I like it anyway though!)
As a DnB song : 7
As a song period : 9
So you get an 8
...But I 5'd neway :)